Power Custom Fields for Jira Cloud Migration

Migrating from Server/Data Center

Here is what you need to know about migrating your Jira Server instance with Power Custom Fields to Jira Cloud.


Is there currently a migration path?

Unfortunately, migrating from Power Custom Fields for Jira Server/Data Center is not currently supported. Depending on the number of customer requests, Appfire will consider providing cloud migration support in a future release.


Feature comparison between Power Custom Fields on Server/DC vs. Cloud

Unfortunately, Atlassian doesn't allow third-party apps to add new calculated field types (checkboxes, date picker, labels, number field, radio buttons) to Jira Cloud. Therefore, Power Custom Fields in the Cloud can't offer the same functionality for dynamically controlling field types as on Server/DC.

With Power Custom Fields in the Cloud, you can create scripted custom fields based on 10 pre-defined scripts.


We are here to help.

If you need any guidance or help during your migration process, please do not hesitate to contact us – we'll be glad to help!